
Thank you for considering enrolling your student or young person at Flexicentre campus. Application for enrolments should be made online, and only by the student or young person’s currently enrolled school. Parents or caregivers cannot initiate an application for enrolment.

Please click the link below to begin.

Potential New Enrolment Form

Enrolment Interview and Site Tours

Once an application for enrolment has been reviewed, leadership will contact the enrolling school to inform of the progress of the enrolment.

If the enrolment progresses, a time for an Enrolment Interview and Site Tour will be arranged with the enrolling school.

Please note, applying for an enrolment does not guarantee an Enrolment Interview and Site Tour

Youth Education Centre

Principal: Dan Pearce
Phone: (08) 8350 8350
Postal Address: PO Box 88, Pooraka SA 5095
Email: dl.0195.info@schools.sa.edu.au